Cream Cheese Bagel and Lox with a side of Lobster Roll

Who woudda thunk!!! 

A NYC native and a Portland pioneer, teaming up to take on the diverse worlds of architecture and design from the Lower East Side of Manhattan to the docks of New England.

Michael J. Macaluso founded MJM+A Architects out of a very modest storefront in his hometown of Middle Village, New York in the mid-seventies. When the practice took off and needed to expand, they formed a Midtown Manhattan studio where Mr. Ryan Scipione AIA, a family man and resident of Portland, Maine, joined the team and the match was made. These two architects have since shared a twenty-year long relationship, now partnership, and have carved an impressive niche across the territories.

At the time MJM+A Architects was growing at a rapid pace and becoming well known for their expertise in the world of High-Rise Restoration. New York City, known for its soaring skyscrapers, had started to see the deterioration of the ages, and building owners were turning to professionals to repair and restore the magnificent skyline. Fortuitously, Ryan Scipione, a well-known outdoors man and mountaineer was looking for the adventure of NYC, and a partnership in High Rise Rehabilitation was formed.

This dynamic duo has since taken on the challenges of façade investigation, hanging from treacherous heights above the bustling streets of Manhattan and the Outer Boroughs to provide a forensic evaluation of each building under their care. The photo album from these adventures will set any heart aflutter, but such is the duo’s passion for the preservation of these architectural gems. This precision and wealth of knowledge is also being applied to aid and restore the beautiful, historic buildings that line the New England shores.

From the upper reaches of the skyline to the waterfronts of New England, these two gents have shared a partnership steeped in skill, daring, friendship and excellence. Michael and Ryan have collaborated on hundreds of projects over the years and continue to guide the diverse group of MJM+A professionals across the rivers of great design. In addition to exterior restoration, the crew is proficient in all types of architectural disciplines. From award-winning signature restaurants to custom residences and retail, no project is too big or too small. They’ve applied their attention to detail and client needs to creating medical facilities for the two and four legged patients of NYC, and have even designed chocolate factories straight out of a Willy Wonka script … they do it all!

Michael and Ryan balance the leadership of MJM+A’s fast-paced mid-town offices, while also offering the company’s stellar architectural services to the good people of New England from their design studio in the more-tranquil Portland, Maine.

We welcome you to stop by either studio to get to know us better. If visiting on a NYC morning, we can offer the schmooze and a schmeer. If in the waning light of a Maine afternoon, join us for a local brew and a lobsta roll! Either way you will not be disappointed in the encounter.

We are here to design your world, see it built, and revel in its completion!

Reach out to Michael in NYC @ 212.355.6555 or Ryan in Portland @ 207-619-7466.

MJM+A Architects, PLLC and Oculus Consulting Group Celebrate the Grand Opening of Maspeth Federal Savings Bank in Queens!

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It was a sunny day filled with renewed hope when the Maspeth Federal Savings Bank at 101-09 Metropolitan Avenue in Forest Hills celebrated its re-opening ceremony on June 23, 2021. MJM+A Architects, PLLC was fortunate to partner with Maspeth Federal Savings Bank, a well-known bank throughout Queens, which was looking to re-fresh their look and create a more comfortable, secure environment for their clients. MJM+A Architects worked with the senior leadership team at Maspeth Federal to discuss the goals and aesthetic the bank was seeking to accomplish, as well as the necessary improvements they wanted to implement to be as efficient and “hands-free” as possible in their work and service to their clients.

MJM+A Architects, PLLC focused on improving the customer experience and accessibility when visiting the branch, something Maspeth Federal had long planned to do for its loyal clients.  The improvements included an entirely new two-lane drive-thru banking experience with state-of-the-art pneumatic tube banking system and drive-up ATM. The site and parking lot were also addressed with new pedestrian walkways, Electric Vehicle charging station, additional parking, and a more inviting landscape. Additional upgrades to the branch included the installation of hands-free, automatic sliding doors and wave plates to reduce the amount of frequently touched surfaces. There were also enhancements to the building infrastructure and mechanical system. They were comprised of a new energy efficient roofing system, a second means of egress from the second-floor training center, an entirely new energy efficient heating and cooling system, and a new emergency generator.

With a game plan in hand, Oculus Consulting Group, a highly experienced code consultant, was brought in to direct the strategy for filing the project and obtaining approvals from the NYC Building Department as well as various other agencies. Oculus Consulting Group has established an excellent rapport with the various NYC agencies through its many years of experience. The vast scope of work entailed coordination with numerous NYC municipalities and utility companies such as the DEP, DOT, DOB, MTA, and National Grid which Oculus Consulting navigated effortlessly to streamline the filings and keep the project on schedule.

MJM+A Architects, PLLC and Oculus Consulting Group are grateful to our client for the opportunity to aid them in revitalizing their Forest Hills branch. We are particularly appreciative for their patience and cooperation in working with us through the ever-changing NYC Building Department and construction procedures during the pandemic. This was truly a well-earned celebration!

Happy International Women's Day!

We celebrate all the innovative, inspiring women of Art and Design who are making strides in the field. Their accomplishments remind us that women have come so far, and will continue to climb in our industry, and others, thanks to their continued efforts.

While it is a team effort to serve our clients and deliver quality work, we at MJM+A and Oculus Consulting would like to focus on some of the stellar individuals of our family. In honor of International Women’s Day we celebrate our colleagues Valerie Costa, Fran Garace, Debra Nicholson, and Gabriela Branez.

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From management to drafters to project architects each of us have worked hard, supported, and learned from each other. We have been fortunate to find a home here at MJM+A and Oculus Consulting where gender plays no role in how far we go or how high we climb. The support, in what used to be a mostly male-dominated field, has been invaluable to our growth and success. We hope that this day highlights accomplishments and reminds everyone that celebrating and respecting women’s success is not just for one day. Everyday we see a new professional join the field is a cause for celebration!

We wish everyone a happy, thoughtful, and safe International Women’s Day!

Indoor Dining is coming back! Here’s what you need to know . . .


The long-awaited time for indoor dining has arrived! Beginning September 30th all restaurant and bars will be allowed to have limited indoor dining. The city has released a guidance outlining the regulations to keep in mind, as well as the social distancing limits in regards to the number of patrons allowed indoors. All restaurants will be subject to inspection to ensure that these rules are being followed. Here are some of the facts we have gathered so far:

  • There will be a maximum 25% occupancy limit. All restaurants are responsible for posting how many persons 25% equals in their establishments at visible locations. For example, a restaurant that would hold 100 patrons would only be allowed to have 25 patrons at this time.

  • Temperature checks will be conducted at the front door for all customers and employees.

  • At least one member of each party is required to provide their name, address, and phone number for contact tracing purposes.

  • Bar seating may not be used to seat patrons. All alcoholic beverages must be served at tables and there will be no service between 12am to 5am.

  • Masks must be worn at all times when not seated at a table.

  • All restaurants should be operating with enhanced air filtration ventilation and purification standards.

  • Allow for outside air ventilation when possible.

  • Outdoor dining is still in place but only until October 31st.

All these regulations will be revisited by the City by no later than November 1, 2020 with a hopeful increase from 25% to 50% capacity for indoor dining, so long as the rate of COVID-19 transmission has not increased in NYC. That’s why continuing to follow social distancing guidelines is so important for all of us!

We will keep you up to date on any and all changes as they occur!

Stay safe!

Labor Day Thoughts: Summer's over . . . but we are all still here!


With the start of September and Labor Day right around the corner it is quite clear that summer is coming to an end. Normally, this would also be the time for those last vacation getaways and barbeques with the whole family. Gatherings of all shapes and sizes. Oddly, we are starkly reminded that this year will be different. This holiday we will perhaps video gather with our family, enjoy the sun quietly in our yards or balconies, or even be brave enough to gather with 3 other friends. We may not venture far from home, but we will continue to discover the small gems in our own neighborhoods.

While we all mark Labor Day as the touchstone for getting back to work...sandals off and the children back to school, did you know Labor Day was actually observed as a yearly tribute to all the men and women who work year-round to keep our country running? The U.S. Department of Labor has said it is a “yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.” We believe now after a very untraditional end of Winter, Spring and Summer this should be celebrated and honored heartily yet safely. Businesses small and large struggled and adapted to our “new normal.” We have all worked hard to ensure the well-being of our clients and patrons, even while regulations were changing every day. So, hats off to all our clients, consultants, and First Responders who have continued to help us contribute to a better NYC!

Thank you all and stay safe!

Happy Labor Day!!

Are You Hurricane Ready?


New York City has proven to be resilient in their ability to weather any storm. And we do mean that quite literally. With the hurricane season upon us, and a few having already passed by, there is some advice that we would like to share with all our clients. Over the many years in practice we have gathered extensive knowledge for designing structures, defending against hurricane winds and rain, Hurricane Sandy being our toughest teacher.

Just like people get beach-bod ready in the Spring, homes also need to be Hurricane-ready when the season rolls around.

Here are some options for securing your home:

  • Secure your roof and add roof straps to prevent roofs from being pulled off

  • Seal windows and consider locks for them

  • Make sure patio doors have locks on the top and bottom.

  • Limit the amount of outdoor furniture left outdoors (the less projectiles the better)

  • Review your insurance

  • Make sure to document the condition of your home before and after storms.

After Hurricane Sandy came blowing, we at MJM+A and Oculus Consulting were there to help re-construct in the aftermath. All those residences were brought back stronger, with up to date reinforcing and flood controls, ready for the next storm to blow by.

Should you require assistance visit our website or drop us a line to update your home and make it hurricane-ready!

Stay safe!

Before . . .

Before . . .



Department of Buildings Guidance on Open Restaurants plans: Am I obligated to file a DOB permit?

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Department of Buildings Guidance on Open Restaurants plans:

Am I obligated to file a DOB permit?

New York City’s reopening has allowed restaurant and bars to establish outdoor seating and dining to cope with continued safety precautions that prevent indoor dining. Recently there have been updates to the rules from the Department of Buildings regarding outdoor dining.

When setting up outdoor seating owners must be aware that there are certain conditions they must meet. Otherwise they may require a DOB permit for modifications to their establishment. Please see the list below for a summary and see the attached Building Bulletin for more detailed information.

You will REQUIRE a permit if:

  • Tents or other shelters on sidewalk or roadway that are greater than 400 SF in each area, including multiple tents combined or tied together with a total area greater than 400 SF.

  • Any barrier that prevents free movement or creates a separately enclosed space. Railings or barriers that are fixed to the floor.

  • Any shields or barriers within 2 feet of a sprinkler heads or that obstruct fire alarm strobe lights or other visual alarms.

  • You are using an outdoor space like a yard or parking lot for outdoor dining make sure you have the permission to use it.

  • You are using a rooftop or terrace for outdoor dining it must be previously approved for use as a restaurant and/or bar.

  • You have seating provided in a yard where the only exit passes through the interior and the number of occupants in the yard exceeds 74 persons at the outdoor dining area for the restaurant and/or bar.

  • Exits from buildings are blocked by barriers or furniture, or the distance to the exit is increased due to addition of outdoor area.

  • You have seating outdoors that obstruct exits, cellar hatches, mechanical ventilation, standpipes, hydrants, etc.

Of course, the six feet apart and mask protocols are still in effect. If you do not acquire a permit for these conditions you run the unnecessary risk of accruing fines and violations from the DOB. Should you require assistance in obtaining permits to legally establish your outdoor dining area as cited above or changes for your business please feel free to reach out to us. MJM+A Architects, PLLC and Oculus Consulting Group have helped clients adapt to new policies for years and produced all the necessary paperwork and design drawings to acquire approval from the Department of Buildings.

Email MJM+A Architects at and Oculus Consulting Group at

Stay safe!

Don’t want to get a Stop Work Order on your reopened job site? Here's what you need to know


New York City’s Phase 1 and 2 reopening have brought about the reopening of many job sites which did not have the chance to remain open during the pandemic. While many are eager to get back to work, the city has given out guidelines that must be adhered to continue to not only work safely but also keep our city safe from more infections. On June 8th the Building Department began inspecting all job sites that have an active permit with the DOB to ensure they are following Covid Safety procedures. They are notifying all permit holders of any inadequacies found at the job site with regard to COVID -19 Safety, Building Code, and Electrical Code compliance. They have also given guidance on how to adhere to it. Please see links below:

No violations will be given at present, but starting July 8, 2020 the DOB will be performing a second wave of inspections. All non-complying sites will receive fines starting at $5,000 per violation with the potential for a Stop Work Order. If compliance is not enforced swiftly the civil penalties could escalate to $10,000 for each offense.

The DOB has provided the following requirements for reopened sites in reference to COVID-19 Safety protocols on construction sites:

  • A Safety Plan specific to the site must be available and posted where it can be easily seen. This plan needs to include a copy of the Affirmation to the State.

  • Compliance with social distancing protocols.

  • All site personnel and visitors must wear acceptable face coverings appropriate for their task.

  • Readily available hand hygiene stations, using either: Soap, running warm water, and disposable paper towels OR Alcohol-based hand sanitizer where hand washing stations are not practical.

  • COVID-19 signage that is visible to all reminding personnel to adhere to proper hand hygiene, physical distancing rules, appropriate use of PPE, and cleaning and disinfecting protocol.

  • There must be properly completed and updated cleaning and disinfection logs.

  • Tightly confined spaces (e.g., elevators, hoists) must be occupied by 50% maximum allowed number of people –50% capacity must be posted within the cab AND at each landing.

  • A communication plan for employees, visitors, and clients must be available on site.

  • Correctly completed and updated logs of every person who may have had close contact with others on site to ensure effective contact tracing.

These protocols must be followed in order to avoid any unnecessary fines and violations. As we are all eager to keep moving forward we also know that a Stop Work Order is that last thing anyone wants to have occur on a job after being so long on hold. MJM+A and Oculus Consulting Group have vast experience in resolving these situations and will be here to advise and aid you in any way we can. Feel free to reach out to us for all your project needs.

Stay safe!

Updated SLA Guidance: Expanding the outdoor dining experience after re-opening

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Updated SLA Guidance:

Expanding the outdoor dining experience after re-opening

Planning for reopening means strategizing how to maximize your business while keeping your staff and patrons safe. As architects spatial planning is not new to us, but it has changed with the pandemic. Regulations for social distancing have minimized the amount of people that can be indoors at certain establishments. As such it has made us, and many others, consider the use of sidewalks and other open space areas for patron seating. Recently the New York State Liquor Authority has passed new guidance that states that premises that have liquor licenses for their property already but wish to expand to outdoor areas may do so on these following conditions.

  • Have legal access to the outdoor space that is being included in the expansion. Should the establishment be under another entity they must contact the SLA directly to apply.

  • Follow social distancing procedures

  • Increase point of sale places as needed for expanded outdoor area

  • Update diagram showing all seating areas, dimensions, and points of sale

  • You must adhere to the rules and process of other municipalities

Once you have determined you have the permission and capacity to safely open into this expanded outdoor space, you must submit the updated diagram for expanded seating along with your license number within the next 5 business days. Otherwise you could incur unnecessary fees or violations. For more detailed information please visit the SLA website or follow this link:

MJM+A Architects, together with their sister company Oculus Consulting Group, have had years of experience producing these required diagrams for the SLA and working with clients through the licensing process as well as amending them as needed. Should you require assistance in this or have other projects you wish to pursue in preparation for reopening please feel free to reach out to us!

We wish everyone the best of luck.

Getting ready for reopening? Be sure to check these safety procedures . . .


Getting ready for Reopening?

Be sure to check these safety procedures before your first employee or client arrives . .

The governor of New York City announced that the first phase of reopening will begin on June 8th.  Many businesses and workplaces are preparing for that moment.

While buildings have remained dormant, they have not been cleaning themselves.  

Pre-opening spring cleaning is a good first step to rid the obvious dust build-up, but it is the hidden germs that should be addressed.  As architects, we are trained not only in designing buildings and operational systems, but also are aware of how those systems work to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of our clients. Before allowing personnel to return, consider procedures to check for and remove any mold and other types of bacteria from the building systems before regular use. These may include the following:

Plumbing Systems:

  • Flushing of all plumbing systems - Consider running all water in ALL fixtures for at least 45 minutes. Sinks, water closets, slop sinks, water fountains and ice makers.

  • Workers must protect themselves with masks and gloves while cleaning.

  • Be aware mold or bacteria can lurk in these systems. See CDC link for further information:

HVAC Systems:

  • Flushing of all HVAC systems - ALL filters in the HVAC system should be changed and cleaned to rid it of any mold and prepared for use BEFORE turning on the fans.

  • The HVAC system should be allowed to run for a 48-hour to 72-hour period of time before reopening.

  • Should an odd odor persist, be sure to call in professional HVAC cleaners to diagnose the problem and deem it safe. Pests may have found a new home while you were gone.

While people may be tired of hearing the phrase “new normal” it truly is a new way of living. Reopening with some diligent disinfecting strategies and smarter communal working, will hopefully lead to safer workplaces as we return to everyday life.

See you soon!

Staying safe applies to your buildings as well . .

We hope this message finds you, your family, and staff in good health.

While the world has slowed down and been put on hold due to stay at home orders, the city is still keeping a sharp eye out to ensure that buildings continue to make the necessary repairs to keep the public safe should they need to be out and about. The pandemic came upon us so suddenly and without warning that in many cases there was no time to make contingency plans to address any damage the long winter months left behind. Inspections and repair plans for many property owners were delayed and buildings unfortunately left unattended through these months of lockdown.

Property owners and property managers need to be aware that the NYC Department of Buildings has not relaxed their regulations on façade safety and restoration. They have allowed for the continuation of Façade Repair projects as it pertains to the safety of residents in NYC. This includes Façade Restoration filings and FISP report filings, as well as extensions should they be necessary.

MJM+A Architects, having been involved in the exterior restoration industry for over 30 years, are experts in such façade maintenance and repair work.  We regularly perform façade inspections in accordance with NYC Façade Inspection and Safety Program (FISP) regulations and apply the latest techniques and technologies in addressing all façade restoration for buildings big and small.

MJM+A Architects produces the required comprehensive restoration documents and specifications necessary to safeguard the real estate asset and conform to safety requirements. Additionally, our sister company, Oculus Consulting Group, organizes and processes the necessary filings with the Department of Buildings seamlessly from approvals and permits through project close-out. Their knowledge base and keenness to stay up to date with all new regulations applicable makes Oculus Consulting an excellent consultant in completing this process.

For more information, or if you have a building in need of façade evaluation, FISP filings and/or façade restoration, reach out to us without delay.  We are poised to respond to immediate emergencies as well as service the real estate community for all their façade compliance requirements. 

Stay safe,

MJM+A Architects, PLLC & Oculus Consulting Group