Are You Hurricane Ready?


New York City has proven to be resilient in their ability to weather any storm. And we do mean that quite literally. With the hurricane season upon us, and a few having already passed by, there is some advice that we would like to share with all our clients. Over the many years in practice we have gathered extensive knowledge for designing structures, defending against hurricane winds and rain, Hurricane Sandy being our toughest teacher.

Just like people get beach-bod ready in the Spring, homes also need to be Hurricane-ready when the season rolls around.

Here are some options for securing your home:

  • Secure your roof and add roof straps to prevent roofs from being pulled off

  • Seal windows and consider locks for them

  • Make sure patio doors have locks on the top and bottom.

  • Limit the amount of outdoor furniture left outdoors (the less projectiles the better)

  • Review your insurance

  • Make sure to document the condition of your home before and after storms.

After Hurricane Sandy came blowing, we at MJM+A and Oculus Consulting were there to help re-construct in the aftermath. All those residences were brought back stronger, with up to date reinforcing and flood controls, ready for the next storm to blow by.

Should you require assistance visit our website or drop us a line to update your home and make it hurricane-ready!

Stay safe!

Before . . .

Before . . .

